Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Just an observation

Why is it in this connected age are people more rude than in years past? There have been times I have emailed people, sent them private messages on Facebook, texted them, just to be ignored. I think it may be because there is no accountability in the communication. In years passed, if you said “hi” to someone face-to-face and they snubbed you, there was accountability there. Of if you called up someone on the phone, they answered, you said “hello” and they hung up on you, there was really no getting around not knowing how they felt about you. But in this digital age, a brief “hello” or such is just so much more noise in the cacophony of our lives. I’ve been guilty of it too. But I’m trying to change. When Jesus prayed for us, he prayed not that we might gain more information about each other and everything else, but that we might love one another. Let us all try to be guilty of loving more today than we did yesterday. At our ends, what do we take with us into eternity? Our relationship with God and our relationships with those we have loved. There are no iPads in heaven. Steve Jobs left his behind just like the rest of us.

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