Friday, May 16, 2008

DirecTV junk mail

May 12, 2008


Please remove me from your mailing list. A few months back I was looking to make the change from Cox cable to satellite TV. When I lived in Phoenix, AZ, I also had to put up with Cox Communications, so I had Dish Network service for two years.

After I got settled here in Northwest Arkansas and got tired of Cox, I was thinking about going back to satellite TV again. My sister, Melanie ********* has been a loyal DirecTV customer for many years and highly recommended that I go with your company.

When I called to place my order, the sales representative was initially helpful, but after taking my information, she came back on the line stating that I could not get DirecTV. She said I did not qualify for leasing the equipment, that I would have to pay $199 per receiver, and have to pay a $500 deposit (or something to that effect) before I could receive any DirecTV services.

Needless to say, I was dumbfounded. I told her that I did not want the service at that cost and the call ended. After that I started receiving sale advertizing in the mail advertizing all of the wonderful deals that I could have with DirecTV. But I remember my telephone conversation and realize that this is just junk that I did not ask for that I know have to place in my trash.

So please, either make good on your advertizing or remove me from your mailing list.

This letter, in slightly edited form, will also appear on my blog.



Mark R. Myers


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